Mission and Vission


Mount Carmel School is a Learning house which has Christ as its central motivating force and its Motto is “TO LEAD INTO FREEDOM”. It was founded and will remain a centre for educating and training pupils irrespective of religion, caste and colour. The education is characterized by thoroughness, high principles and freedom. The students are helped to grow in responsibility, self-reliance and human maturity so that they find meaning and purpose in their life and is inspired to live and work for the building up of a just and fraternal society.


The school fosters the all-round growth and development of each student to his/her fullest potential- spiritually, intellectually and physically. It will guide him/her in the development of a sound value system and will inculcate in him/her a deep love and appreciation for his/her culture, community and country. The school tries to create an atmosphere in which the students find scope within their own cultural milieu to reflect on their life and develop not only in knowledge and skills but also in wisdom which is the fruit of life and its lessons. Mount Carmel School is a school with a difference; it accommodates even the least cared of the society. To note in a sentence, Mount Carmel school is an institution which carries the “dreams of a child.”